Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We find ourselves again in the lower 48

Hallie and I made Halloween masks one afternoon and Jay gets a kick out of wearing his Frankenstein Mask...acts like a little boy in a superhero mask! cant wait for those days.

winter boots, princess dress, hat and jacket...it might have snowed today.

I caught Hallie in the bathroom putting on Jakes deoderant and her reply to my shock was,

"I armpits too mommy!" very funny!

Hallie loves it when Jake brings a phesant home. She gets so excited and says "thats nice bird, pretty bird, touch it daddy, touch it mommy, touch it, its pretty bird."


  1. Oh my goodness!! I can't believe how cute those kids are! We miss you guys so much! Keep the pictures coming, we love seeing what you guys are up to!! Love you guys!

  2. You better try and keep up on this. I love it! Jay and Hallie of course look adorable! Miss you!

  3. This makes me feel complete. I can't believe I went so long without knowing the happenings in your world. I CAN'T WAIT TO LIVE NEAR YOU AGAIN. I need my Les fix.

  4. Yay!! I've missed you! That first picture of Jay and Hallie putting on Jake's deodorant made me laugh out loud! They are so cute!!
    Can't wait to see more!
